I was born in North Kingstown, RI in 1990. I grew up in a nice quite neighborhood a minute walk from the ocean. My first career was a musicain which I loved dearly, unfortunately there is not much money in music so I had to find other sources of income. I then went to school for massage therapy at Bancroft, which is located in Worcester MA. That career allowed me to survive while still playing music at night. I eventually burned out from rubbing strangers bodies and did electrical work for 3 years.
I learned quite a bit from doing electrical work buit at the end of the day it was very repeptive and the people I was working with werent people I wanted to nsurround myself with. I went back to school for mechanical engineering and one day my body convinced me to take a coding class. I was hooked! I find myself thinking about code atleast 5 hours a day and I am always excited to get back on the compuiter to figure out the next step.